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"In Suspension"
and time stands still... 

Where quantum physics meets shamanism, Anna Marchlewska creates a strange world by cutting out the landscape, playing with the contrasts and different sections of the picture, she assumes the existence of multiple worlds and possibilities. The order and balance of this arrangement are extremely fragile and hangs by a single thread at the risk of collapsing.


“The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”



Inspired by Albert Einstein, William Blake and Jim Morrison, the photographer attempts to expand the limits of perception of space and time. The elements created with the help of a brush could be likened to the famous "wormholes" - passages between the present and the past, which existence was suggested in 1935 by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen. This quantum particle firework display is a metaphor for the energy that animates this world.


Anna Marchlewska thus creates a dreamlike vision that can be interpret from different angles. Shamanic perception allows not only to abolish the limits of space and time but also to approach parallel worlds.


“If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.” 

WILLIAM BLAKE, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell


"In Suspension" is a work of twenty five sheets which can be stacked in a pile of A4 format and thus undergo a transformation: white threads like veins or eyelashes undulate all around making the white rectangle alive like an aquatic microorganism, infinitely large to infinitely small...


The photo is the continuation of the series of thirty landscapes presented at the Black And White Parade exhibition in December 2019 in Paris. And refers to the series "Elle" dedicated to the female nude, that was exhibited at the Salon d'Automne 2019 and Salon Comparaisons 2020.


"I can make myself invisible or small.

I can become gigantic & reach the farthest things.

I can change the course of nature.

I can place myself anywhere in space or time.

I can summon the dead.

I can perceive events on other worlds, in my deepest inner mind,

& in the minds of others.

I can.

I am.” 



Black and white photography, printed on drawing carton, splashed with water and sewn.​

Dimensions: 105 x 148.5 cm, folded: format 21 x 29.7 cm

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